Twig tag 모음Language/EL tag 2022. 9. 2. 13:36
그냥 보면 달 알듯하여 작업된 코드만 추가
{% include "import/common/header.html" with {'is_unified_search': true, 'is_header_cart': true} %} {% set ezp_navi_title = template_layout.sPageTitle %} {% if template_layout.aNavList is iterable and template_layout.aNavList|length > 3 and is_full_navigation != true %} {% if template_layout.aNavList[2].pageTitle is not empty %} {% set ezp_navi_title = template_layout.aNavList[2].pageTitle %} {% else %} {% set ezp_navi_title = template_layout.aNavList[2].name %} {% endif %} {% endif %} <div class="content-head"> <div class="page-title"> <h3 class="h3-tit">{{ __(ezp_navi_title) }}</h3> <!-- <a href="#" class="btn-manual" target="_blank" title="{{ __('매뉴얼') }}">{{ __('매뉴얼') }}</a> --> {% if is_unified_search == true %} {% include "import/common/unified_search.html" %} {% endif %} </div> <div class="cont-info-right {{ is_header_cart == true ? 'green-caption' : '' }}"> {% if is_header_cart == true %} <div class="breadcrumb-caption"> <a href="/buyer/cart/front/list?cart_type=10" target="_blank" class="popup"> <span>{{ __('장바구니에 담긴 상품을 확인해보세요!') }}</span> <i><img src="/svc/ezpick/ko/img/modal-newwindow-icon.png" alt="modal open icon"></i> </a> </div> {% endif %} <ul class="breadcrumb"> {% if template_layout.aNavList is iterable %} {% for idx, nav in template_layout.aNavList %} {% if is_full_navigation == true or idx < 3 %} {% if nav.pageTitle is not empty %} <li>{{ __(nav.pageTitle) }}</li> {% else %} <li>{{ __(nav.name) }}</li> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} </ul> </div> </div> {% set a_location = { '': __('배송지역 선택') }|merge(aConst.location) %} {{ aSellerBase.shop_name|slice(0, 1) }} {% set iNum = aListTotal.settlehold_item_count - (aParams.page - 1) * aParams.limit %} {{ iNum|number_format }} {% set iNum = iNum - 1 %} PHP : <?php if ($aRow['is_complete_inspected'] === true) { ?> TWIG : {% if aRow.is_complete_inspected is same as(true) %} {% if aRow['is_complete_inspected'] == true %} {{ aRow.arrival_date|date('n/j') }} <form id="frmHistoryBack" name="frmHistoryBack"> {% for sKey, mVal in aParams %} {% if ('pp_' in sKey) == true %} {% if mVal is isArray %} {% for sSubKey, sSubVal in mVal %} <input type="hidden" id="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}{{sSubKey}}" name="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}[{{ sSubKey }}]" value="{{ sSubVal }}"/> {% endfor %} {% else %} <input type="hidden" id="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}" name="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}" value="{{ mVal }}"/> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} </form> {% for sKey, mVal in aParams %} {% if ('pp_' in sKey) == true %} {% if mVal.count() > 1 %} {% for sSubKey, sSubVal in mVal %} <input type="hidden" id="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}{{sSubKey}}" name="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}[{{ sSubKey }}]" value="{{ sSubVal }}"/> {% endfor %} {% else %} <input type="hidden" id="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}" name="{{ sKey|replace({'pp_': ''}) }}" value="{{ mVal }}"/> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} -- substr {{ aBuyer.corporation_no|slice(0, 6) }} {{ aTagName|join(' ') }} {{ aSellerMarket.market_no in (aParams.market_nos|split(',')) ? 'active' : '' }} {% if aSellerMarket.market_no in (aParams.market_nos|split(',')) %}active{% endif %} {% if aFilter is not empty and aFilter.aSellerMarketList is not empty %} {% for iKey, aSellerMarket in aFilter.aSellerMarketList %} <button class="temp-button {{ aSellerMarket.market_no in aParams.market_nos|split(',') ? 'active' : '' }}" data-code="{{ aSellerMarket.market_no }}" data-text="{{ aSellerMarket.market_name }}">{{ aSellerMarket.market_name }}</button> {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% set iMarketAndSellerCount = aParams.market_nos|split(',')|length + aParams.seller_nos|split(',')|length %} <li class="active"><a href="#product-filter-tab-con1">마켓/가게 <span>{{ iMarketAndSellerCount > 0 ? ('<span>' ~ iMarketAndSellerCount ~ '</span>') |raw : '' }}</span></a></li> <li><a href="#product-filter-tab-con2">스타일 {{ aParams.product_styles is not empty ? ('<span>' ~ aParams.product_styles|split(',')|length ~ '</span>') |raw : '' }}</a></li> https://learntutorials.net/ko/twig/topic/8697/%EA%B8%B0%EB%B3%B8-%ED%85%9C%ED%94%8C%EB%A6%BF-%EA%B5%AC%EB%AC%B8 https://twigfiddle.com/mxwkea https://ridi.github.io/style-guide/HTML.html {{ aRow | json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) }} $twig->addGlobal('SESSION', $_SESSION); $twig->addGlobal('COOKIE', $_COOKIE); $twig->addGlobal('SERVER', $_SERVER); $twig->addGlobal('PARAM', p()); $twig->addGlobal('IMG_EC_CDN_HOST', IMG_EC_CDN_HOST); {{SESSION.shop_admin_id}} {% set array = "3,1,2" %} {% for current in array %} <h1>This is number {{ current }} in the array </h1> {% endear %} {# 프로퍼티가 여러개일 경우 #} {% set options = { 'key_name': key_value, 'key_name': key_value, 'key_name': key_value } %} {# 단일 프로퍼티일 경우 #} {% set options = {'key_name': key_value} %} -- 삼항 연산자 {{ foo ? 'yes' : 'no' }} {{ foo ?: 'no' }} {{ foo ? foo : 'no' }} {% if aParams.order_no is empty %} {% elseif aRow.order_type == aConst.order_type_general %} {% endif %} {{__('결제요청')}} {{ aTotal.count_pay_status_request|number_format }} {{__('개')}} {{ limit_select|raw }} {{ pager|raw }} {% block pageJs %} <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { alert('test'); }); </script> {% endblock pageJs %} {% if template_layout.aCurrentMenu|is_valid_array == true %} {% endif %} <form id="frmSearch" name="frmSearch" action="{{ '/ezpick' ~ url }}"> <table> <tbody> {% if aList is not empty %} {% for aRow in aList %} {% if aRow.is_add_in == 'T' %} <tr class="{{ aRow.is_add_in == 'T' ? 'add-order' : '' }}"> <td> <span class="txt-red">{{__('추가')}}<br>{{__('입고')}}</span> {% elseif aRow.order_type == aConst.order_type_general %} <span>{{__('일반')}}<br>{{__('주문')}}</span> {% endif %} </td> </tr> {% endfor %} {% else %} <tr> <td colspan="11"><div class="noData"><span class="noimg"></span><p>{{__('등록된 건이 없습니다.')}}</p></div></td> </tr> {% endif %} </tbody> </table> {{ pager|raw }} {% include "import/layer_bad_request.html" %} <div class="product-item {{ aRow.sold_out_class }}"> <button type="button" name="button" class="btn-like btnPicktem " data-product_no="{{ aRow.product_no }}">픽템추가</button> <div class="product-image"> <a class="eProductDetail" href="/ezpick/product/front/detail?product_no={{ aRow.product_no }}" style="background-image: url('{{ aRow.main_img_url }}')"></a> </div> <div class="item-text"> <p class="product-text"> <em><a class="eSellerDetail" href="/ezpick/product/seller/front/index?seller_no={{ aRow.seller_no }}">[{{ aRow.market_name }}] {{ aRow.seller_name }}</a></em> <span><a class="eProductDetail" href="/ezpick/product/front/detail?product_no={{ aRow.product_no }}">{{ aRow.product_name }}</a></span> <strong>{{ aRow.product_price|number_format }}</strong> </p> <!-- <div class="product-option-list"> <em>분류</em> <p><strong>남성</strong><strong>상의</strong><strong>후드</strong></p> </div> --> </div> <div class="product-option"> <!-- <ul> <li class="prd"><em>색상</em><span>화이트</span></li> <li class="prd"><em>사이즈</em><span>FREE</span></li> <li class="prd"><em>소재</em> <span>겉감 : 면 100%</span></li> </ul> --> </div> <div class="product-btn-group"> <button type="button" name="button" class="btn-picktem btnPicktem " data-product_no="{{ aRow.product_no }}">픽템</button> <button type="button" name="button" class="btn-pickshop btnPickSeller " data-seller_no="{{ aRow.seller_no }}">픽샵</button> </div> </div>