springboot 3.x + JPA + QueryDSL에서 p6spy 적용Language/Java 2024. 9. 5. 10:07
0. gradle 버전 확인
필자는 1.9.2 버전을 사용할 것이다.
1. 설정
1.1. build.gradle
// p6spy implementation 'com.github.gavlyukovskiy:p6spy-spring-boot-starter:1.9.2'
2.1. application.yml
jpa: database: mysql generate-ddl: false open-in-view: false hibernate: ddl-auto: none # create update none 항상 조심!! naming: physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl # 대소문자 구분 properties: hibernate: # show_sql: true # format_sql: true # use_sql_comments: true # database-platform: com.example.querydsl.configuration.MysqlCustomDialect
3. 로그확인
대충 아래처럼 SQL에 파라미터 값이 매핑된채로 로깅된다.
select count(c1_0.ID) from COMMUNITY c1_0 left join CATEGORY c2_0 on c2_0.CODE=c1_0.CATEGORY_CD where c1_0.DELETE_YN=? and c2_0.TYPE_CD=? and c1_0.TITLE like ? escape '!' select count(c1_0.ID) from COMMUNITY c1_0 left join CATEGORY c2_0 on c2_0.CODE=c1_0.CATEGORY_CD where c1_0.DELETE_YN='N' and c2_0.TYPE_CD='CATEC00002' and c1_0.TITLE like '%111%' escape '!';
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