npm/yarn 패키지 배포 및 사용해 보기Language/npm,yarn 2023. 10. 31. 17:34
간단히 body의 background색상이 변경되는 샘플코드를 작성하고 npm packages로 배포하는 방법을 알아보자.
1. 샘플코드 작성
1.1. 리액트 프로젝트 생성
# 리액트 프로젝트 생성 $ npx create-react-app test-npm $ cd test-npm $ cd src/npms
1.2. background 변경하는 use hook 생성
export const useClickBgColor = (e) => { const { target: { value } } = e; document.body.style.background = value; }
1.3. 사용코드 작성
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; import { useClickBgColor } from './npms/hook/commonHook'; function App() { return ( <> <h1>background test</h1> <button value="red" onClick={useClickBgColor}> red </button> <button value="blue" onClick={useClickBgColor}> blue </button> <button value="yellow" onClick={useClickBgColor}> yellow </button> </> ); } const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')); root.render(<App />)
2. npm 설정
2.1. npm 가입
npm | Home
Bring the best of open source to you, your team, and your company Relied upon by more than 17 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. The free npm Registry has become the center of Java
2.2. Organization 추가
2.3. 추가된 Organization 확인
3. NPM 등록
3.1. npm/yarn init : package.json 생성
프로젝트 폴더에서 npm/yarn init
$ npm init package name : (npms) -> @djgundam/npm-test version: (1.0.0) description: npm test entry point (index.js) test command: git repository: keywords: react, react hooks, npm test author: deokjoon Kang license: (ISC) MIT IS this OK? (yes)
3.2. npm/yarn 배포
# npm $ npm publish # Yarn 1 (Classic) $ yarn publish # Yarn 2+ $ yarn npm publish
npm ERR! code E404 발생 : npm login 후 진행
$ npm login
npm ERR! code E402 발생 : npm publish --access=public
$ npm publish $ npm publish --access=public $ yarn publish $ yarn publish --access=public
npm ERR! code E403 발생 : package.json의 version up
3.3. npm/yarn 배포 성공
4. npm package 받아서 사용해 보기
4.1. npm 사이트 확인
4.2. npm/yarn 설치
$ npm i @djgundam/test-npm $ yarn add @djgundam/test-npm
4.3. npm/yarn 설치된 module로 변경
4.4. 성공
GitHub - dchkang83/test-npm: npm test
npm test. Contribute to dchkang83/test-npm development by creating an account on GitHub.
npm test. Latest version: 1.0.1, last published: 23 minutes ago. Start using @djgundam/test-npm in your project by running `npm i @djgundam/test-npm`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @djgundam/test-npm.
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