VSCode에서 rsc 코드 자동완성 설정Tool/VSCode&Cursor 2023. 4. 28. 11:48
VSCode에서 플러그인 설치
저같은 경우 rsc만 사용할거 같긴한데, 참조사이트에 들어가서 여러 내용들도 보고 추가적인 기능들도 사용해 보아야 겠다.
Reactjs code snippets - Visual Studio Marketplace
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Code snippets for Reactjs development in ES6 syntax
이름: Reactjs code snippets
ID: xabikos.ReactSnippets
설명: Code snippets for Reactjs development in ES6 syntax
버전: 2.4.0
게시자: charalampos karypidis
VS Marketplace 링크: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=xabikos.ReactSnippetsWhen installing the extension React development could be really fun As VS Code from version 0.10.10 supports React components syntax inside js files the snippets are available for JavaScript language as well. In the following example you can see the usage of a React stateless component with prop types snippets inside a js and not jsx file. 'Tool > VSCode&Cursor' 카테고리의 다른 글
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